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Demand response and load participation

Reliable grid operation is dependent on adequate supply and flexible resources. Load serving entities procure supply in advance to meet their demand. Demand response providers with the ability to aggregate customers capable of reducing their electric demand (load) can participate in the ISO day-ahead, real-time and ancillary services markets. Demand side resources can offer bids that reflect their flexibility to adjust their load in response to market schedules and dispatches.


Load Serving Entities

The ISO reliability requirements program requires that load-serving entities procure additional energy (reserve margin) above their demand, and is intended to compliment the state's resource adequacy programs.

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) programs are governmental entities formed by cities and counties to serve the energy requirements of their local residents and businesses. CCAs do not own the transmission and delivery systems.

Participation process and requirements

Participation in the ISO market requires a scheduling coordinator and ISO-certified revenue-quality meters. Bidding in ancillary services requires special certification and installation of direct telemetry. There are also different requirements for proxy demand resources and participating load.

Demand response and proxy demand resource

End-use customers can bid demand response services directly into the ISO wholesale day ahead and real time market through a demand response provider as proxy demand resources. The ISO uses a base-line energy calculation to determine the amount of energy curtailed.

Proxy demand resource - load shift resource (PDR-LSR)

PDR-LSR participation allows storage resources to bid decreases and increases in load. It requires two separate Resource IDs for load curtailment, which can bid from the net benefits test threshold price up to the bid cap, and for load consumption, which can bid from less than $0 to the bid floor.

Sub-load aggregation point maps

For Load Aggregation Point, see LAP tab on the "Full Network Model Pricing Node Mapping" report.

Net benefits test requirement

All proxy demand resources must participate in the net benefits test that the ISO uses to set the monthly price threshold for cost effective demand response resource bids.  The test was established as an outcome of the Demand Response Net Benefits Test initiative in response to FERC order number 745.  The test will continue until FERC rules otherwise.

Participating Load

Curtailable demand, including pumping load or aggregated participating load, can bid into the ISO market through a scheduling coordinator who also acts as the load serving entity for the underlying load. These participants can provide non-spinning reserve and provide demand reduction in the real time market.